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Created by the industry, for the industry, RV Boss empowers users to buy and sell RVs – without a hitch. 100% Australian based and owned, RV Boss connects with aligned businesses and answers to interested audiences that promote the growth of local travel and caravanning.
Looking for the best site to list your motorhome or caravan for sale? You’ve come to the right place! Choose from our competitively priced advertising packages that help you make the most out of your caravan sale. We like to keep things nice and easy – once you’ve chosen your ad level, you will be prompted to create an account and complete your listing details. From there, you’ll receive enquiries direct to your email inbox where you get to decide on how you would like to continue conversations direct with the buyer.
List your motorhome or caravan for sale for as little as $19 under our Junior Ad level.
Strong market demand predicts this could be the best time to sell up and buy your next RV ahead of the next holiday period.
So what’s it going to be Boss? Lets get your RV listed!
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