Road trips can be such an exciting way to explore new places and create long-lasting memories with friends and family. But let’s face it, those long hours in your car, motorhome or campervan can sometimes lead to a bit of boredom. Don’t worry, though, because there are plenty of fun games that can keep everyone entertained and make the journey just as enjoyable as the destination itself. So, whether you’re hitting the road with kids or fellow adults, here are 15 awesome games to play in your car or motorhome during your next road trip.
1. I Spy: A classic game that never gets old. One person selects an object they see in or outside the car and says “I spy something starting with [letter]” and the others will need to guess. The person that guesses correctly gets the next turn.
2. 20 Questions: Think of an object, person, or place, and others take turns asking yes-or-no questions to guess what it is. They have 20 questions or fewer to figure it out.
3. License Plate Game: Try to spot license plates from as many different states or territories as possible. Keep a tally, and the person with the most unique sightings wins.
4. Alphabet Game: Starting with “A” and moving in alphabetical order, find words on signs or license plates that start with each letter. The first person to complete the alphabet wins.
5. Road Trip Bingo: Create bingo cards with different road trip-related items or landmarks to spot along the way. Whoever completes their card first shouts, “Bingo!”
6. Name That Tune: Play snippets of songs from your road trip playlist, and see who can guess the song title and artist the fastest. Award points for correct answers.
7. Counting Cows (or other animals): Choose a specific animal to count, such as cows, horses, or even yellow cars. Keep a running tally and see who spots the most during the trip.
8. 20-Second Story: One person starts a story and has 20 seconds to tell it. After that, the next person continues the story, and so on. The goal is to create a fun and often nonsensical tale.
9. Would You Rather: Take turns asking each other “Would you rather” questions. For example, “Would you rather have super strength or the ability to fly?” Discuss your choices and reasons behind them.
10. Name that State (or Territories): Look at road signs or landmarks and see who can correctly identify the suburb you’re in.
11. The Rhyme Game: One person says a word, and the next person must come up with a word that rhymes with it. Continue until someone can’t think of a rhyme, and they’re out of the game.
12. Storytelling Chain: Start with a sentence like “Once upon a time,” and each person adds a sentence to build a collaborative story. The goal is to create a funny or imaginative tale together.
13. Car Karaoke: Sing along to your favorite songs on the road. Assign different roles, such as lead singer, backup vocals, and air guitar, to make it even more entertaining.
14. 20-Questions Quiz: One person thinks of a famous person, place, or thing, and the others take turns asking yes-or-no questions to guess what it is. They have 20 questions total to figure it out.
15. The Geography Game: One person names a city, state, or territory, and the next person has to name another place that starts with the last letter of the previous one. For example, if someone says “Brisbane” the next person could say “Eumundi.”
These games are sure to make your road trip more enjoyable and memorable. Remember to prioritise safety while playing and take turns being the designated driver, so everyone can join in on the fun. So, buckle up, hit the road, and let the games begin!